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  The Princess Plan
The camp site for day four is none other than the Oceano Airport, as in the landing strip. It's dusty and the wind blows hard. Gophers live there and they pop up underneath your tent in the middle of the night. But not for Janet and me.

Having done the Oceano Airport in '99, I decided to give us a break from Camp AIDS Ride. Instead, we stayed at the cheezy-but-luxurious Seaview Inn in Grover Beach about a mile and a half from camp (the above picture is from some other Sea View Inn). We took real baths, ate at Garland's Hamburgers, including milkshakes, and slept atop box springs instead of gophers. Enough riders choose this option that the town provides transportation to the motels and back to camp the next morning. That's the Princess Plan.