you can afford some hard disk space (you'll need about 20 megabytes
free),we can make this thing lightening fast.
techie terms, I've created a downloadable, self-extracting
archive of the site which expands into one self-contained directory
tree and takes up about 7 Meg. When you're done, you can delete the
entire site by deleting the parent directory "AIDSRide".
that didn't make any sense to you, fear not! Follow these simple instructions
and you'll be all set.
You'll be prompted to open the file or save it. Save it.
You'll be asked for a directory to save it to. Choose someplace you
can remember and preferably temporary, like C:\Temp and click "Save."
The download will start. Go have dinner or catch up on email. When
it's done, you'll have a new file called "AIDSRide.exe"
in the directory you choose (e.g. C:\Temp)
Execute the downloaded file, "AIDSRide.exe," by clicking
on the Windows "Start" menu, choosing "Run" and
typing in the full path to the file (e.g. "C:\Temp\AIDSRide.exe"
and clicking "OK."
You will be prompted on where you'd like to save the site. The default
is "C:\Temp\AIDSRide". Click "Unzip" to create
the site.
You have the site on your hard disk to view any time! Click "Close"
to end the program.
To view the site, open the directory (using Windows Explorer) where
it was saved (e.g. "C:\Temp\AIDSRide") and double click
on "index.html"
When you're done viewing the site and showing it to all of your friends,
you can delete the whole thing by deleting the directory where is
was saved (e.g. C:\Temp\AIDSRide)
your connection is fast enough, return to the home page ("Ride Home")
and start clicking "-> LA"! Enjoy!