


Too Slow?

Day 6: Top Ten

At the end of the evening news announcements, the director presented this "Top Ten Signs You've Been on the AIDS Ride Too Long" (I could only remember 8):

#8 Your tent mate's snoring is almost soothing

#7 Grass looks like an appetizing alternative to Cliff Bars

#6 You know your favorite Gatorade flavor because you've tried them all!

#5 You're starting to like the feel of butt balm

#4 You don't remember what your job is or if you even have one

#3 Getting up at 6:00 am feels like sleeping in

#2 You think the four food groups are banana, Cliff Bar, Gatorade and Ibuprofen

And the #1 sign you've been on the AIDS Ride too long is

You don't know what day of the week it is, just what day of the ride it is.

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